Boost Your Amazon Sales: Last-Minute Strategy for India's Biggest E-commerce Event 2024

Boost Your Amazon Sales: Last-Minute Strategy for India’s Biggest E-commerce Event Great Indian Sale 2024

The Biggest Sale of Indian E-commerce Starts Thursday: A Last-Minute Strategy for Amazon Sellers

As the countdown begins for India’s most anticipated e-commerce event, sellers on Amazon are gearing up for what promises to be a whirlwind of sales and opportunities. While most preparations – from stocking inventory to planning deals – should be well underway, there’s still time for a last-minute strategy that could significantly boost your sales during this crucial period.

The Power of Search Term Analysis

The Power of Search Term Analysis

With just two days to go, here’s a data-driven approach that can help you capture incremental sales on Amazon:

1. Analyze Your Search Term Report: Download and scrutinize the search term report for your Amazon ads. Your goal is to identify all non-brand keywords with a lower Advertising Cost of Sale (ACOS) than your account’s average or target ACOS. These keywords are your first list of high-performers.

2. Examine Search Term Impression Share: Next, download and review the impression share report. Look for non-brand keywords with a search term impression share of less than 20%. This forms your second list.

3. Find the Sweet Spot: Compare the two lists and identify the keywords. These represent your golden opportunity – high-converting keywords with low impression share. In other words, they’re your lowest-hanging fruit for profitable, incremental sales.

Implementing Your Strategy

Now that you’ve identified these key keywords, it’s time to put them to work:

1. Boost Bids Aggressively: Increase your bids on these keywords substantially. You aim to increase impression share at any cost during this critical period.

2. Create a Focused Campaign: Consider grouping all these high-potential keywords into a separate campaign. Use exact match targeting and set high bids to ensure maximum visibility.

3. Scale Your Ads: The next three days are crucial for evaluation on Amazon, with many potential customers adding items to their carts. Scale your ad spend as much as possible during this time.

A Word of Caution

A Word of Caution - Pixel7 Studio

It’s important to note that your ACOS may look alarming these two days due to increased spending. However, don’t be discouraged. When the sale kicks off on Thursday, you’re likely to see a significant spike in sales that should offset the additional ad spend. 

The Bottom Line

The Bottom Line - Pixel7 Studio

This strategy leverages the power of data analytics to identify and capitalize on your most promising keywords. By focusing on these high-potential areas, you’re positioning yourself to make the most of India’s biggest e-commerce event.

Remember, in the world of e-commerce, visibility is key. This approach ensures that your products are front and centre when it matters most, potentially leading to a substantial boost in sales and revenue.

Good luck, and may your sales soar during this exciting event!